Sword Tag
Larpen ‘Light‘: Nottingham vs. Sherwood
Sword Tag: Wat
Sword Tag is a variation on the popular Archery Tag. But instead of bow and arrow, Sword Tag uses Larp swords, axes and maces. With these soft foam weapons, which look realistic, you can engage each other in a safe way.
Sword Tag: Nottingham vs. Sherwood is a species of Larpen ‘Light': experience the Larp battles, without the role-playing. For the atmosphere, wear a costume to move in the world of Robin Hood.
Compete in teams against each other and take that victory!
Nottingham vs. Sherwood
The soldiers of Nottingham are those scoundrels from the Sherwood Forest on the trail. Is this going to be an ordinary confrontation? Man against man, Woman Against Woman? Or will it still be an elegant tournament, where bravely fought for the highest honor?
Fortunately, the 'Troll ball' tournament has been chosen! But whether this is an "elegant" and "honorable" solution...?
Sword Tag: Hoe
Sword fighting Workshop
- Dressing and issuing Safe weapons
- The four basic strokes: defending and attacking
- Sparring in pairs
Troll Ball toernooi
- Form teams (4-5 participants per team)
- 5-10 minute matches
- Ceremony
5 quarter
10-40 participants
v.a. 24,50 euro p.p.
Landgoed Zonheuvel, Doorn or your own location
Also available in English
Archery Tag & Battle Tag
Also try Archery Tag, using Larp arrows instead of Larp swords and axes. Of combineer Archery Tag en Sword Tag in het epische Battle Tag.
Suitable as
- team building activity,
- stag,
- birthday activity or
- friends outing
24,50 p.p.
inclusief Kostuums/Spelattributen
Excl. terreinhuur of reiskosten
34,50 p.p.
Standard +
In front of the country house on estate Zonheuvel, Doorn
Outdoor Lunch
54.50 PP.
Outdoor +
Lunch buffet
coffee / tea
Outdoor Dining
72,50 p.p.
Outdoor +
BBQ of
3-course dinner

Sword Tag: Wie
Anyone (over 16 years old) can participate in this game.
Rules Of The Game 'Troll Ball'
Troll Ball is a competition between two teams of 4 to 5 people with swords, maces or axes.
- Each team has a bucket
- The referee brings a troll head into play
- The team that most often manages to get that head into the opponent's bucket wins the match
- Opponents may be stopped using the weapons
- The troll's head should not be kicked
- Biting opponents is not allowed!
- The referee is always right
For the rest, there are no rules. Injured players go to the side, where they are patched up by the surgeon on duty. After that, they again take part in the competition with fresh energy.
Sword Tag is a game, which takes place in a wooded area. In that case, the game always takes place, even when it rains. In this case, transparent rain ponchos are provided that can be put on over the costume.
Our location
By default, the game takes place on the lawn in front of the country house of estate Zonheuvel in Doorn.
The site for the sword Tag Workshop is easily accessible from Utrecht, Maarn, Doorn, Leersum, Amerongen, Veenendaal, Amersfoort and Zeist.
Your own location
We can Sword Tag: Nottingham vs. Sherwood also organize in your area. This is in consultation. Sword Tag can be played as an indoor game. For example, you can play Sword Tag in Utrecht, Amsterdam, North Holland, South Holland, Gelderland, Limburg, North Brabant or even Ardennes.
Bedankt nog voor de geweldige workshop larpen ‘light’! Ik vond het echt geweldig en andere mensen die ik later nog sprak ook.